History behind the Kilim Rugs

The word Kilim originated from Turkey, though some also consider the name Mongolian. The techniques used in the Kilim’s weaving are said to have been a heritage from certain regions of Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, China, Central Asia, and many more. Although it is still not sure where the making of these rugs first began, they are considered to have been around since ancient times since no record of their construction can be traced.

Materials and Texture

The fibers used in a Kilim carpets consist of wool and cotton; normally it’s whatever is available locally. The weavers require a loom and a beating comb to make these exquisite pieces. Sometimes beads and silk threads were inserted to make the rugs more decorative and glamorous.

Weaving techniques

These rugs were made by tightly cross weaving between the warp of the loom with wefts on a plain surface. They are tightly pulled down to produce a single color effect unlike pile rugs. Every 16 threads of weft have 14 threads of warp per inch, so the intertwining of their threads had an 8:7 ratio. This is why the technique is also known as the flat weave– the pulling and intertwining of the threads cause their mats to be thin and light. The finishing of these rugs is smooth yet tough, making every Kilim durable.

Colors and Designs

The patterns used in Kilim rugs have straightforward designs. Each design in the rugs symbolizes certain beliefs of their makers. The weavers put their own thoughts into these rugs. Experts have found the relevance of the patterns with histories and prophecies made in the time of the Kilim’s construction. Symbols were used in order to suffice to one kind of meaning which the makers felt relevant for their family. Some examples include a protection from evil or good luck charms.

Because of the simplicity of their weaving technique, all the patterns formed are geometric and among them are the artworks of such symbols.

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Manufacture, Importer, Exporter & Wholesaler of Handmade Rugs.

+92 321 443 3994

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